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Can any 8" safety-toe, black work boots be worn as part of the ODU?

Q:  I mostly wear deck shoes with my ODU, but I would like to add the 8" workboot to the uniform.  I have found that the boot shown in the Coast Guard Uniform supplies is unnecessarily expensive when compared to like boots which can be purchased at Wal-Mart.  So, can any 8" safety-toe, black work boots be worn as part of the ODU?  For example, I have found this type of boot (black with elastic insert style boot) available for as low as $23. as compared to over $100. through the Coast Guard outlets.

A:  Per CIM 1020.6(Series), Uniform Regulations, the boot must be an eight-ten inch well blackened safety boot, must have a composite toe, and must comply with the American Society for testing Materials (ASTM) Document number ASTM-2413-05 (as updated).  The standard-issue safety boot is the Super Boot II, plain black, quick-laced, high-top (Eight –Ten inch high) boot with a reinforced composite (not steel) toe.  As of 31 December 2012, steel-toed boots are no longer authorized.
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