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  1. Coast Guard Policy

    1. Cell Phone Use On Board Auxiliary Facilities
    2. Why Does a Disestablished Flotilla/Division Still Show in AuxDirectory?
    3. Are paddleboards considered vessels?
    4. See all 29 articles »
  2. Awards

    1. Recruiting Service Award Changes
    2. Approval for Wearing Foreign Service Qualification Devices and Insignia
    3. What size attachments go on the Annual Service Performance Award ribbons?
    4. See all 14 articles »
  3. Customs, Courtesy, and Protocol

    1. Going on board a military vessel.
    3. Coast Guard Anthem/March (Semper Paratus)
    4. See all 12 articles »

    1. AUXDATA II Account Activation - FAQs
    2. AUXDATA II Account Activation
  5. Chain of Leadership

    1. Prior to Opening a Ticket on the National Help Desk
    2. What is the title associated with "VFC"? "Vice Flotilla Commander" or "Flotilla Vice Commander"?
    3. Flotilla Staff Officers Duties
    4. See all 5 articles »
  6. Forms

    1. I Type Information Into the 7029 Webform and Change Date, and the Info Show Up in Every Month!
    2. What mileage and costs are to be shown on Form 7029?
  7. Member Support

    1. Auxiliary Passwords
    2. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Support Center, including the Help Desk and Knowledge Base
    3. Managing L2 Subscriptions
    4. See all 4 articles »
  8. Membership

    1. Where is the Election Eligibility Criteria?
    2. Join the Auxiliary
    3. What Can I Do While I am in AP Status?
    4. See all 13 articles »
  9. Miscellaneous

    1. Are Uniform Costs Tax Deductible?
    2. Why on the back of the ID card there is Geneva Convention Category 4?
    3. Does the Auxiliary have an Attorney that could represent an Auxiliarist?
    4. See all 6 articles »
  10. Marine Safety & Environmental Protection

    1. Where can I find information on the Trident training program?
    2. How do boaters safely discard of expired flares?
    3. Do Auxiliarists Require TWICs to Enter Restricted Port Areas?
  11. Public Education

    1. What Can I Do If I Have Lost My Boater Education Certificate or Card?
    2. I’ve submitted forms 7023, “Intent to Teach”, but our courses aren’t showing up in the National PE Database. Why not?
    3. Can I include swimming as part of a public education class?
    4. See all 4 articles »
  12. National Staff

    1. CGAUXNET Email Accounts
    2. Where Can I Find the Auxiliary National Strategic Plan?
  13. Recreational Boating Safety

    1. Capacity Plate Requirement On Boats
    2. Disposal of Unwanted/Outdated Pyrotechnic Devices
    3. What is the Auxiliary Paddlecraft (AUXPAD) Program?
    4. See all 4 articles »
  14. Information Technology

    1. Browser Compatibility Issues with Auxiliary Forms
    2. PE Course Address Won't Take in the WOW/National Public Education Calendar Dashboard ? Try This
    3. I Cannot Change My Unit's Website URL in the AuxOfficer Unit Table - Do I Need National Site Approval?
    4. See all 10 articles »
  15. Member Training

    1. My NTC Test Scores Show Up in AuxOfficer/AuxDirectory, but Not in AuxData
    2. Enrollment Keys for the Online Classroom
    3. Where can I find online courses?
    4. See all 13 articles »
  16. Response

    1. Does the Coast Guard Auxiliary have an Ensign that can be used in lieu of the American Flag?
    2. Do hours spent on CG Crew Augmentation (Mission 26) count for a qualified Coxswain’s currency maintenance?
    3. When preparing to terminate a patrol, does the coxswain notify the OPCON that they are terminating the patrol or does (s)he request permission to terminate the patrol?
    4. See all 20 articles »
  17. Uniforms

    1. Uniform Inspection Program FAQs
    2. Do Women Have To Wear a T-Shirt With The Tropical Blue Uniform?
    3. Wearing of National Staff Identification Badge and the Academy Partner Badge
    4. See all 57 articles »
  18. Vessel Examinations

    1. How Do I Stop Receiving "I Want A VSC" Notifications?
    2. Where Should the VSC Decal Be Placed?
    3. I was boarded by the Coast Guard. They found that some of my safety equipment was outdated. Can I get a Vessel Safety Check?
    4. See all 9 articles »
  19. WOW Help Files

    1. In WOW, I Made a Change on My Home Page, and Now WOW Crashes When I Try to Browse to the Site. Help!
    2. WOW Website Quick Checklist
    3. How do I add a Google Calendar to my WOW web site?