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Managing L2 Subscriptions

Q:  I am not receving L2 messages.  How can I subscribe to L2 messages?

A:  If a member accidentally unsubscribes or is inadvertently unsubscribed by someone else from L2s (and other iContact originated messaging) and they want to start receiving messages again, they will need to send an email to iContact Support to be added back to subscription lists.

Because iContact is a CAN-SPAM-compliant company, the Auxiliary does not have the ability to re-subscribe someone who is currently unsubscribed, however the affected member does.

If the member believes they unsubscribed themselves from an L2 or other iContact message they received, they should search for the L2 they unsubscribed from (the last message they received), scroll to the bottom of the message, click the Unsubscribe link, and subscribe back to iContact.

If the member isn't receiving messages from iContact, they will need to contact the Support Team at iContact (not affiliated with the CG Auxiliary) to request to be resubscribed.

  1. Send an email to from the email address that was unsubscribed (usually the primary email address in AUXDATA II).
  2. In the message, include the Account Name "Coast Guard Auxiliary Association" and a statement asking to be placed back into contactable status for the “USCGAUX Members” list.
  3. The email content should look like:

 "Please re-subscribe me (remove Do Not Contact setting) to the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Inc. account, USCGAUX Members list"

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  1. Susan Davies

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