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What Can I Do While I am in AP Status?

Q:  You are a member in AP Status.  What can you do? 

A:  First understand everything we do is governed by Federal law and the Commandant’s Instructions for the Auxiliary. Auxiliarists in Approval Pending (AP) status still have huge opportunities to train and qualify in virtually any program in the Auxiliary.

While we understand that you may be frustrated by AP status, you should know that there are still a great many opportunities open to you – far, far more than those that may be closed or difficult.

New members:

  • Are issued Member Numbers
  • Vote  
  • Pay dues
  • Wear the uniform of the Coast Guard Auxiliary
  • Serve on committees
  • Take any and all Auxiliary courses
  • Take any and all end-of-course exams associated with these courses

New Members in AP Status:

  • May train and qualify in any program of the Auxiliary just as other Auxiliarists in IQ, BQ, or AUXOP status other than for coxswain, aviation certification, citizenship verifier or fingerprint technician.
  • Until a new member receives a favorable security determination, aviation and boat coxswain certification will be limited to interim certifications, which may be granted by their DIRAUX.
  • Until a new member receives a favorable security determination, elected and staff officer positions will require an interim waiver granted by their DIRAUX.

It is important for you to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do some homework. Your officers and flotilla shipmates should find mentors to assist you with your tasks.  Be proactive and work with them and familiarize yourself with the Auxiliary Manual.  Being a member of the United States Coast Guard team carries the responsibility of completing required training and obtaining a favorable personal security investigation (PSI). This applies to every Auxiliary member from the newest to the National Commodore.  

It is easy to take on too much at first; focus on being proficient in one program at a time. When your favorable security determination comes through you will no longer be required to team up with a fellow member who is already IQ, BQ or AX. You will be able to represent the Coast Guard and Auxiliary on your own at boat ramps, public affairs events and so much more.  You will also be able to help mentor others in the wide variety of Auxiliary activities.

Further details and information are available in the on-line Auxiliary Manual at:, and in the Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) at:

Source:  USCG Auxiliary Leadership Link Digest, 25 Sep 15 Edition.

Link to the AUXMAN updated by DIR-U on 9 May 2017

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