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What is the title associated with "VFC"? "Vice Flotilla Commander" or "Flotilla Vice Commander"?

The appreviation "VFC" stands for "Flotilla Vice Commander", as shown in the Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1G.1

The same convention applies to "VCDR", which is entitled "Division Vice Commander".2

That's what should show anywhere else, including web sites.


Note 1: Errant graphics on pages 11-61 and 4-42 notwithstanding. 

Note 2: Reference ALCOAST 395/08 (Auxiliary Realignment) which stated, "Division Vice Captains shall be re-titled Division Vice Commanders (DVCDR)." When the National Board formally changed the acronym (but not the title) at NACON 2009 to VCDR, the title remained, “Division Vice Commander". (See ALAUX 053/09).


This article was updated by the DVC-UM on 2/7/12 and is believed to be accurate as of that date.

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