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Going on board a military vessel.

Going on board a military vessel.

At the quarterdeck, the officer of the deck (OOD) or representative (who may be an officer or a petty officer) will always be on duty to greet persons boarding or leaving the ship. Customarily, you request permission from the OOD to board or to leave the ship. As you board, you first stand at the gangway and salute the National Ensign at the stern. After evening colors or before morning colors, when the flag is not displayed, the salute is rendered to the position where the flag is normally displayed. Then you turn to the OOD or the OOD’s representative, salute and say: “Request permission to come aboard, sir (or ma ’am).” The OOD will return your salute and invite you aboard. If you are in civilian clothing, do not render the hand salute; face the National Ensign, stand at attention for a moment, then turn to the OOD, and request permission to come aboard. When permission is granted, proceed aboard.

Source: Auxiliary Manual COMDTINST M16790.1G Chapter 12, Section C.1. Embarking

For more information, see the Auxiliary Manual and the Auxiliary Courtesy and Protocol Guide


Reviewed and updated (link) by BC-UMK on 29 Sep 15

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