Going on board a military vessel. At the quarterdeck, the officer of the deck (OOD) or representative (who may be an officer or a petty officer) will always be on duty to greet persons boarding or lea...
Per the Auxiliary Manual, COMDINST M16790.1 (Series) Chapter 12, Sec. A.6. Pledge of Allegiance: Guidance regarding the Pledge of Allegiance is based in 4 U.S.C. § 4 which states, “The Pledge of Alleg...
Coast Guard Anthem/March (Semper Paratus) Semper Paratus Appropriate Use Of The Coast Guard Marching Song 1. As summer approaches, the number of ceremonies throughout the Coast Guard will increase. Du...
There comes a time during a career in the Coast Guard Auxiliary when a member must take part in a memorial service for an Auxiliarist. Many times, when it happens, it’s totally unexpected. Death is an...
Return the salute and offer a greeting such as, good morning or good afternoon....
Yes, Subjects such a politics, religion, or shop talk would be considered inappropriate. If in doubt, let the presiding officer guide the conversation. For more information, see the Auxiliary Manual a...
As you first stand on the gangway, salute the National Ensign at the stern of the vessel. Then turn to the officer of the deck (OOD),salute and request permission to come aboard. When permission is gr...
Questions concerning displaying, use of, or any other issue concerning the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the national colors, national ensign, burgees, etc can be found in Chapt 12, section B of the Auxil...
AUXMAN , CHAP 12 says: Introduction The Coast Guard is a maritime military service. The protocols and etiquette reflect the customs and traditions of the Naval/Sea Services as well as the military. Th...
When the Pledge of Allegiance is given, all, in uniform or not, shall place the right hand over the heart. For more information, see the Auxiliary Manual and the Auxiliary Courtesy and Protocol Guide ...