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Prior to Opening a Ticket on the National Help Desk


The Auxiliary's National Help Desk is set up to answer queries about the Coast Guard Auxiliary that members of the Auxiliary have not been able to have answered by Coast Guard and Auxiliary reference materials (e.g., web sites, manuals, instructions), Auxiliary parallel staffing, and the Auxiliary chain of leadership and management.

It is also used to submit comments directly to the IT Group about Auxiliary Websites, including typos, bugs and other errors.

Complaints, requests for investigation, and any personal matters dealing with recognition or administrative discipline will not be acknowledged. Such matters must be submitted to and handled through the appropriate Auxiliary chain of leadership and management.

The Auxiliary's National Help Desk is not be used as a replacement for the proper chain of communication. Accordingly, unless submitting comments to the IT Group, you are asked to avail yourself of the appropriate Auxiliary reference materials and the appropriate chains of communication prior to opening a Help Desk ticket.  Failure to do so may delay the resolution of your Help Desk inquiry.

Source: DIR-U

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