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Do hours spent on CG Crew Augmentation (Mission 26) count for a qualified Coxswain’s currency maintenance?

Will a member's hours underway, as crew aboard Coast Guard vessels on patrol, and reported on Form 7030 as Mission 26, “Coast Guard Crew Augmentation”, as Non-Lead,  be counted toward a Coxswain’s annual currency requirements?

Mission 26, Coast Guard Crew Augmentation, is defined as, “time spent serving as qualified crew on Coast Guard, not Auxiliary, vessels or aircraft.  All time is reported on any line other than ‘Lead’”. (Source: Instructions for Form 7030)

  • Hours spent as a qualified and certified crew on a Coast Guard boat count towards currency as an Auxiliary Coxswain.
  • Hours spent training to qualify does not.

You can't be crew if you're in training at the time. If you're not crew, you can't use Mission 26.

This article was written by the DVC-UM on 1/20/12. It was believed to be accurate as of that date.  For official information, please refer to the Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series), other applicable Auxiliary reference materials, Auxiliary Web sites and/or the appropriate Auxiliary chain of communication.

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