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Can I use my plane in Auxiliary Aviation?

Pilots may offer their airplanes for use as Coast Guard Auxiliary operational facilities. Planes are inspected to verify that they meet requirements and that all paperwork is in order. A marine radio must be available for use in the plane and an external antenna must be installed. All aircraft used in AUXAIR operations must be approved facilities. The Coast Guard does not make any assurances that aircraft will be accepted as operational facilities nor does it suggest that all qualified Auxiliary members will be accepted into the aviation program as pilots. Fiscal, operational and geographical needs of the U.S. Coast Guard are the controlling factors in the AUXAIR program. Auxiliarists using their own aircraft on ordered missions may be reimbursed for fuel and maintenance expenses. They are also covered by Federal insurance and liability protection while in the performance of their official Auxiliary duties. Qualified Auxiliary pilots, while assigned to duty, are considered to be Coast Guard pilots, and Auxiliary aircraft, while assigned to authorized duty, are deemed to be Coast Guard aircraft.
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