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Can I wear ODU shorts with the Hot Weather uniform?

Q:  What is the current authorized Hot Weather Uniform for patrols? Are the ODU shorts authorized and if so with what shirt, socks and shoes?

A:  Yes, either modified standard Coast Guard blue utility or ODU trousers hemmed at the knee or 1 inch above the knee are worn.  Refer to the AUXMAN, Ch 10 Section H.3, to determine what shirt, socks and shoes are authorized, depending on which shorts are prescribed in your Command/Sector.

Hot Weather Uniforms are authorized by the Districts, with many times the District Commander delegating that authority down to the Sector Commanders and individual unit CO/ONIC.  As such, use your COL to ascertain whether your Command/Sector is authorized to wear a Hot Weather Uniform, and which short option is to be worn.

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