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Clarification of existing policy on Vehicle Markings

ALAUX 013/07 Subj: Clarification of existing policy on Vehicle Markings  

1. In recent years the use of motor vehicles for Auxiliary missions has expanded beyond that of mobile radios and towing vehicles.   Much of the policy regarding vehicle markings was directed towards mobile radios and is found in Annex 4 and Chapter 3 of the Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual. With the expansion of vehicle use in Auxiliary missions the policy for marking these vehicles is also due for expansion and clarification. The next revision to the Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual will include the following policy:     

2. The permanent marking of private, auxiliary, or corporate owned facilities with any text and/or graphics related to the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Coast Guard, or the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is not authorized for any purpose.  Unless permanent markings are specifically required by a Commandant Instruction (COMDTINST),all vehicle markings shall be temporary in nature and removable.  Public education, public outreach, public affairs, and emergency response trailers may be permanently marked at local DIRAUX discretion.   
3. When assigned to orders, vehicle markings are limited to manufactured magnetic patrols signs procured through the Auxiliary Center(AUXCEN). No substitutions are authorized.  Additional descriptive text, Auxiliary/CG/DHS Logos, or Auxiliary/CG stripes are not authorized and shall not be displayed with patrol signs.    

4. Patrols signs shall only be displayed on the vehicle during the period of time in which the vehicle is under orders.  Patrol signs shall be displayed on the upper half of the front doors on both sides of the vehicle, as much as the vehicle design will permit.     

5. Public safety lights or law enforcement lights shall not be visible on a vehicle engaged in Auxiliary activities or displaying any text/graphics related to the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Any lights such as fog lights or equipment such as public address speakers must meet all local and state regulations for private motor vehicles.    

6. The purpose of this list is to keep Auxiliarists as well as all other interested parties abreast of current developments, policies, manuals, etc. All information contained herein and linked is OFFICIAL policy and information.    
7. Internet Release and Distribution is Authorized.   
8. CG-3PCX




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