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Support of Mobile Devices Including iPad and iPhone at Auxiliary Websites

Auxiliary Websites and web-based applications are supported on modern browsers on both the Mac OS X and Windows platforms, using Firefox, Internet Explorer 7 and above, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari. "Modern" means browsers released prior to 2017.  

However, we currently provide no support for our websites and applications on mobile operating systems, including iOS on the iPad and iPhone.  Although most Auxiliary sites will perform as expected on these platforms, some will not.  For example, since the iPad will not support Java by itself, any site constructed with the AuxWeb "JavaScript" platform, such as AUXDATA, will not function properly on an iPad; left menu items having submenus cannot be activated. This is due to an apparent problem in Mobile Safari.  In order to use an iPad or other tablet device for "JavaScript"-based Auxiliary websites and applications, you must subscribe to a service such as the "Cloud Browse" application at an additional monthly subscription fee.  For IOS11 on a mobile device, you may find that the Puffin Web Browser will work.

If you are faced with such a problem using iPad, iPhone, or other mobile platform, you have a simple recourse: visit the site from your laptop or desktop personal computer, and use the site as intended.

Updated by DIR-U on 10/15/2017 

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