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Can we have Spiritual Elements at Auxiliary Functions?

From the Auxiliary Manual, COMDINST M16790.1 (series), CH 12, Sec. I:SPIRITUAL ELEMENTS OF AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS:
Auxiliary functions may include spiritual elements that provide motivational and inspirational foundations that support the Auxiliary cornerstone of fellowship. Incorporating spiritual elements into Auxiliary functions is encouraged.

In planning Auxiliary functions, senior leadership shall determine whether a spiritual element is appropriate. Spiritual elements include prayers, invocations, reflections, meditations, benedictions, or other religious or faith-based features traditionally or customarily incorporated into public functions. In considering the propriety for inclusion of a spiritual element, senior leadership should assess the setting and context of the function and the diversity of faith that may be represented among the participants.

If a spiritual element is deemed appropriate, an individual shall be designated in advance to administer it. The individual so designated shall be advised that the spiritual element must be pluralistic and non-sectarian in nature, and that the language shall be inclusive. Every effort shall be made to ensure the spiritual element is simple, clear, and non-offensive. It is proper courtesy to remain reverent and respectful during spiritual elements of any function. A designated individual who cannot fully and consistently comply with these guidelines shall not be utilized for such service.

Additional information can be found in Religious Ministries Within the Coast Guard, COMDTINST M1730.4 (series) (link currently not available). 

Reviewed by BC-UMK on 29 Sep; updated by DIR-U on 9 May 2017 to reflect the link status for the manual.

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