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Assignments to Duty

I am aware that a FC can give Assignment To Duty and of course keeps a written Log of those Assignments. My question is 1.Can the VFC do the same in the absence of the FC. 2.Can the FSO give an Assignment to Duty in his AOR such as an example a FSO-VE give assignment to Duty to qualified members. 3.Can Division Elected and appointed Staff officers give " Assignments to Duty "

In the Auxiliary Manual, COMDINST M16790.1 (series) , Chapter 4 -  Below please find snippets of the manual.
Sec. F.11. Duties of Elected Auxiliarists
The duty of senior elected Auxiliarists in all Auxiliary leadership positions (NACO , DCO , DCP , and FC ), specifically:
Leadership, management, supervision, and operation of their unit, and unit member training, qualification, assignment to duty, recognition, and corrective action.

F.11.a. Vice Functions, specifically:
• Function as the unit’s chief of staff.
• Carry out authorized programs according to existing policies and with an acceptable quality standard.

Section G - Staff Officers, Introduction:
Every unit’s senior elected Auxiliarist leader appoints Staff officers. Staff duties are purely administrative, providing functional supervision program management over specifically authorized activities. The appointment and delegation of duties should
be given to each Staff officer in writing.

G.4. Elected Leader or Auxiliarist Responsibilities
An elected leader’s delegation of management capability to a Staff officer does not relieve the elected leader from any responsibility. Elected leaders must ensure that leadership and management capabilities are properly exercised and instructions are properly carried out. Staff officers may assign qualified Auxiliarists to duties in their responsible area. The Auxiliary Flotilla Procedures Manual, COMDTINST 16791.5 (series), contains sample appointment letters and specific duties for Flotilla Staff officers. The Auxiliary Division Procedures Guide, COMDTPUB P16791.3 (series), provides for Division Staff officers.




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