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Procedure for Receiving Augmentation Service Credit in AUXDATA

"I am currently augmenting the Incident Management Division in pollution response at a local Sector. In order for me to receive credit in AUXDATA for my service towards the Trident device, what form do I need to fill out and to whom does it need to be submitted to. Can you please provide me with more information on the proper procedure for receiving service credit in AUXDATA?"

In general, the form to use for augmentation support is the Mission Activity Report, Form a7030,  The form is submitted to your FSO-IS as a Unit/Individual report using the appropriate mission code for your augmentation assignment.  Refer to the instructions beginning on page 3 of the form.  

Specifically for credit towards the Trident program, all Marine Safety and Marine Environmental Program (MEP) 28 and 70 categories count toward hours for Trident qualification.   

See your flotilla's Information Services Officer (FSO-IS) to find the specific category you should use.



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