Q: How can I order a non-standard size uniform?
A: The UDC does not stock non-standard sizes. If you need a size that the UDC does not stock, then you may request that item by completing either the Male Special Order Form or the Female Special Order Form. The forms must be faxed or emailed to the UDC. Once received and verified, the UDC will contact the vendors. Please understand certain items cannot be special ordered due to production demands. While every order is processed as soon as possible, the average completion time to fill a special order is contractually bound to 120 days.
You will receive notification once your item(s) become(s) available. Payment shall be made online through shopcgx.com by your personal credit card.
NOTE: In order to ensure measurement accuracy and proper fit, all members should seek to obtain measurements from a professional tailor. The UDC is not responsible for items that meet the required measurements but do not fit the customer. The UDC does not provide measurement or tailoring services.
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Created by DIR-U on 30 August 2018
Source: https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG-1/Personnel-Service-Center-PSC/Personnel-Services-Division-PSC-PSD/Military-Uniforms-Branch-PSC-PSD-mu/Uniform-Distribution-Center/
Susan Davies