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Can the ODU be "Pressed" (Ironed)?

Q:  I received instructions to attend an AUX class in ODU uniform. The letter stated wear ODU uniform "Pressed" and boots shined. I understand the boots shined but I am concerned, that with the nylon in the ODU uniform Pressing may cause break-down. What is the official AUX policy on "pressing" ODU uniforms?

A:  Pressed simply means ironed. Walk around any sector office and you will see neat wrinkle free uniforms with the pockets flat including the cargo pockets. The ODU is made of a sturdy material that can be pressed at the local dry cleaners as well but usually just a few minutes with an iron on a steam setting is enough to present a sharp appearance. CG -5421 recommends it not just for classroom situations but also anytime where an Auxiliarist interacts with the public.

[Update 10 April 2014] Here is the guidance on Care of the ODU from Chapter 5 of the Uniform Regulations (COMDINST M1020.6F):

5.B.1. Care of Operational Dress Uniform (ODU)

The ODU is machine washable on a permanent press setting. Wash uniforms in warm water with a mild detergent. Do not use chlorine bleach. If hand washing, wring gently and rinse with warm water. For best results, dry ODU items at a low heat or tumble dry for 10 minutes, then hang on a rust proof hangar to finish drying. Uniform may be pressed but be sure to set iron to the cooler setting for nylon/cotton blends. A pressing cloth is helpful to avoid shiny spots from the iron.

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