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When should I wear my ODUs and are there situation where it is not appropriate to wear ODUs?

See ALCOAST 223/07

The ODU is a general purpose  uniform that is intended for wear in any situation where a form of a  dress uniform is not more appropriate.

The Auxiliary is now a multi-mission  force and the ODU is substantially more suited for conveying that to the  general public.

Examples where the ODU is appropriate would be outdoor public  affairs events where  we are trying to convey the multi-mission nature of  the Auxiliary such as airshows; marine safety exhibits; events where we have  operational facilities on static display (climbing off and on a boat in a  tropical blue long uniform is probably not the image we want to convey); flotilla meetings and member training classes.

An  example where a more dress uniform might be more appropriate would be  indoor boat shows; parades (even though outdoor) conferences in hotels; public  education classes.

Since the ODU is the first uniform most members should  purchase there are few situations it is not appropriate for wear.
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