Ref: (a) U.S. Coast Guard Boat Operations and Training Manual Volume I, COMDTINST M16114.32D Ref: (b) Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3E Reference (a), chapter 3, section F.2 st...
Q: Why does a disestablished flotilla/division still show in AuxDirectory? A: When a flotilla or division is disestablished, the DIRAUX staff disestablishes the unit in AuxDATA, then, the national...
Q: Are paddleboards considered vessels? A: Yes. The U.S. Coast Guard in a decisional memo dated Oct.3, 2008, classified paddleboards as vessels in accordance with Title 1 United States Code, Secti...
Personal Hydration Systems (PHS) are authorized for wear as follows: Personal Hydration Systems are considered PPE and are governed by PPE guidance. A PHS is only authorized for wear with working un...
The uniform policy that discouraged use of cell phones while in uniform (ALCOAST 011/07) has been amended and is now more restrictive. Use of cell phones and any other hand held devices (e.g., talkin...
You may download a complete set of vCards for your flotilla by using the PowerSearch in AuxOfficer. Simply put in your canonical unit number (e.g., 070-08-02) in the Unit field, check the vCards radio...
Coast Guard Auxiliary Traveler - If you are traveling under Coast Guard funded travel orders, SATO is the CG's travel agent and all common carrier transportation (airlines, trains, ships) and rental c...
Yes, standards exist for using U.S. Coast Guard imagery. Official Coast Guard imagery must never be manipulated. The following actions are defined as manipulation and therefore are never allowed: A...
Yes. The Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1G describes the requirements for flying the Coast Guard Auxiliary Ensign. Ch. 3, D.2.d.(3) discusses flying of the Auxiliary Ensign by members in AP stat...
All the business card and letterhead templates and other documents under the miscellaneous tag have been removed until further notice. The images did not conform to heraldry and current practice. We ...